Need a Home Improvement Loan for Accessibility Modifications? INHP and FHLBI Might Help.
If you are an Indianapolis-area senior, your current or next residence might need home improvements or senior accessibility modifications to enhance your active home-based retirement. If that’s the case, I’ve got good news for you: two groups might be great resources for the necessary funding: the Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership, or INHP; and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis, or FHLBI. Both groups offer financing for qualified borrowers for accessibility modification home improvements.
The Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership offers a 0% interest loan with no required minimum monthly payment amount for Marion County homeowners or household members who live with a physical disability. The loan is designed to include accessibility modifications to facilitate safe and independent living. Qualifying modifications may include bathroom grab bars, wheelchair ramps, doorway widening, walk-in showers and more. Naturally, there are conditions and restrictions. CLICK HERE to learn more and see if you might qualify.
The Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis’s Accessibility Modifications Program (AMP) provides up to $15,000 in grant funding for accessibility modifications for eligible senior homeowners and owner-occupied households that include one or more persons with a permanent disability.
FHLBI reports that their “members have used AMP awards to help customers in their communities stay in their homes and provide relief from a large financial burden. Members work both directly with their customers and through local housing organizations in order to reach those in need.” AMP improvements can be used for similar accessibility modifications as those covered by the INHP’s loan program.
To be eligible for AMP, you must live in a household where:
Members income is at or below 80% AMI; and
All members are age 62 or older; or
All members are age 62 or older, or age 17 or younger where the household member age 62 or older is the guardian of the younger household members; or
A member of any age has a permanent disability and is currently receiving permanent disability benefits.
Other conditions and restrictions may apply. CLICK HERE to learn more about AMP and its requirements.
Also, as I noted in this article, it might be possible to use a reverse mortgage home loan to pay for similar senior accessibility modifications.
To learn more about home modification financing alternatives for active, home-based retirement living, contact me at 317.442.4797.